Houston Outdoor Live SUP
Houston Outdoor Live SUP

Live! 288 Lake

With miles of bayous, lakes and the almost flat summer surf of Galveston, we have an unlimited playground to try SUPing. Anyone can do this sport. It is low impact, uses practically every muscle in your body, is great for cross-training and is a ton of fun! While you work on your balance, you’ll work on your core. Plus, you can saunter along the bayous or paddle fast and turn it into a BIG aerobic workout. 

Topics Covered: 

  • How to choose a board 
  • Where to paddle 
  • Terminology 
  • Strokes, Cross Training, Stretching, and Posture 
  • Water safety & rules (we might have SUP Yoga demo) 

You'll also be able to download the free #10Essentials for Stand Up Paddelboarding that evening - we promise to get you SUP in style! 

We cover everything you need to make SUP your new favorite sport. 

Bayou City Outdoors


Houston Outdoor LIVE!

Stand Up Paddleboarding

May 31 | 6:45pm

288 Lake


1. Click below to enter via email

2. Attend in person or watch Facebook Live

3. Check your email for #10essentials download

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